for your Nest!
Everlasting Eco-Friendly Solutions
About SkyLED

Browns n Whites was founded ln 2009 and have steadily grown and conquered the solar and LED markets in the U.S., Middle East, and India. With our alternative energy solutions such as solar panel systems and LED lightings, you can immediately see a drastic reduction in your energy bills and carbon footprint. Our experienced system designers, engineers, and energy specialists worked diligently for the past several years to bring about the finest solar and LED products available in the market under the brand name SkyLED. Since we take great pride in our work, our products are distinct and this is reflected in the superior and everlasting quality of all SkyLED product line.
We design, manufacture, and sell Photovoltaic Solar Panel Systems for residential and commercial needs. Our engineers will analyze your current energy use and future energy goals, recommending appropriate solutions that will reduce your energy cost substantially in future.
SkyLED lights, with a never—have-to-change—it lifespan, combine the warmth of incandescent lights and the efficiency of CFL lights.
LED lights generate less heat during usage and no harmful toxins are used during its production. As the best energy saving lighting currently available, we believe LED lighting products would conquer the global lighting market in future while triggering a new round of energy saving competition.
At Browns n whites, we consistently devotes our manpower and advanced technology to developing and improving luminary efficiency in LED lighting to make our environment more green and colorful.